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Your Spiritual Needs

On this page, we share God’s plan for individual salvation and personal spiritual growth. We hope that you will take a moment and check this out.


Everyone needs to be saved, that includes you and me. From the best person to the worst, and all of us in between all have sinned and come short of God’s glory (His standard) — Romans 3:23 none is righteous, not one of us –Romans 3:10/Psalm 14:3 No one can satisfy God’s requirements by his or her efforts (our works), whether religious deeds or acts of human kindness


God made a way for us to be saved, and it’s the same way for every one of us (regardless of race, age, background, etc.)


  • God showed His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us — John 3:16/Romans 5:8


  • Salvation comes as a free gift from God, not by our efforts, that we accept by faith when we trust Jesus (committing our lives to Him) — John 1:12/Acts 16:31/Romans 10:9-10/Ephesians 2:8-9


This can happen in your life just as it has happened in the lives of many others.


After your salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, God wants you to grow spiritually


Key to spiritual growth are:


  • Prayer


  • Reading the Bible


  • Involvement in a church for fellowship, guidance, and service


If we can help you in any way; answer questions, pray with you, point you to a church, or some other way please contact us:


Telephone: 410-997-0253

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